Res ipsa loquitur

It’s almost Labor day weekend so it’s time to stock up on your favorite adult beverages and grill supplies. For those among you whose self-control isn’t what it could be you may want to remember the morning-after pain relievers as well. Anyway, today we are going to look at some maps, so lots of pictures (yea), and see what story they might tell.

I’ve always loved maps as they provide tons of information in a static and objective fashion. So, earlier this week, my friend Mike sent me a couple maps without comment. I found them very informative, enough so that I was compelled to visit Google, which Sam frequently reminds me is my friend, to satisfy my curiosity on a few things. After a quick trip through the Google wormhole here is what I found.

*click on the pictures for clarity*

IMG_4685state legA snapshot of the  demographics of  political control across the nation.  I know it’s kind of dry but stay with me.



IMG_4672rtoworkUp next we have a map illustrating  which states have “Right to be poor  work” laws, and one must admit it looks very similar to our first map. That prompted a couple of questions to which my friend Google quickly provided the graphic answers.

So, here we have a map of the states which saw fit to decline free federal money to help ensure the residents therein wouldn’t need to die because they lacked health care coverage.


The thinking behind this bit of political calculus was — ah — well. OK, I have no fucking idea. Maybe compassionate conservatism, as in,  we have no compassion for the victims of our policies.  You figure that one out leave a comment.

IMG_4671slaveFinally, we step back in time  and see that, curiously enough,  quite a few of the states that object to higher wages for middle income earners, and see no need to provide free federal assistance  to the most vulnerable of their citizens. Had a taste for ownership of fellow human beings.  So much so, that in defense of their inhumanity heritage over 500,000 people perished.

Taken individually these maps are merely informative. However, when one steps back and views them together, well, the matter speaks for itself.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

A look into the Abyss

      Typically, here at our little snarkfest, we hold up the GOP stupidity to the light so to receive it’s rightful ridicule. Today, however, the snarkfest is going full rageathon.
      Both, Sam Damon and I, have addressed the GOP fear mongering as it relates to the human wave attacks along our southern border, carried out by hoards of small brown children fleeing for their lives from their home countries, alone.
The GOP position and reaction on this issue was of the predictable level of batshit insane and mouth breathing stupid we’ve come to expect. Unfortunately, there was something else entirely predictable that I’ve been waiting to be reported, with no small amount of dread, and Saturday it showed up in all of it’s full tragic reality. From the L.A. Times,

“There are many youngsters who only three days after they’ve been deported are killed, shot by a firearm,” said Hector Hernandez, who runs the morgue in San Pedro Sula. “They return just to die.”

At least five, perhaps as many as 10, of the 42 children slain here since February had been recently deported from the U.S., Hernandez said.

Immigrant aid groups and human rights organizers say the Honduran government is ill-equipped to assist children at high risk after they have been returned.

     That one of our two political parties cannot distingiush a humanitarian crisis from an immigration issue, or, as is more likely, chooses not to, shows just how far down the moral abyss it has desended. In fact, assigning any morality at all to the leadership or membership of this out of control and unrepent national disgrace requires one more subatomic grain of give-a-fuck than I possess. You see, the deaths of these children and those to come isn’t some tragic unintended consequence, of bad policy, it’s a goddamn design feature. From MSNBC
This is a very bad idea.
Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who at one point was said to be writing his own immigration overhaul legislation and this week is at the Texas border visiting detention centers, has sent President Barack Obama a letter calling for an end to the 2012 executive order granting stays of deportation to children brought into the country illegally by their parents.
Reversing the president’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals order, known as DACA, would “send a clear signal to all individuals that our immigration laws will be enforced,” the California Republican and thirty-two House GOP cosigners wrote.
Remember, the deferred-action policy doesn’t actually relate to the ongoing humanitarian crisis along the Southern border – none of these unattended children who crossed the border illegally recently will be able to stay under DACA.
But Issa, who found 32 other House Republicans to sign onto his letter, believes more deportations will send a “signal” to families in countries like Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.
In other words, nearly three dozen House Republican lawmakers have a message for Dream Act kids: “Sorry, but if some Central American families have been misled by unscrupulous smuggling groups, the appropriate solution is to deport young people from the only home they’ve ever known.”
        There is only one acceptable solution to allowing the zombiefied corpse of the GOP to wander through the political landscape of our country. A fatal blow to the head delivered with the most powerful and effective weapon available, the vote.
The current demographic of scared, angry white people can see the event horizon of their inevitable decent into the minority, and that’s why they’re scared. Similarly, the Bible thumping Christain Taliban seem to sense their diminishing influence, which I see reflected in their increasingly egregious attempts to discriminate against those with whom they disagree, either despite the rule of law, or by trying to codify their bigotry into law .
The ratfucking politicians who represent the interests of those groups do not, in any recognizable way, represent the best interests of our country, and I’m tired of them being the face of a government that acts nationally and on the world stage on my behalf. Here is a reminder from Charlie Pierce as to why that is so.
It is now the stated position of most of the Republican party in this country, and of Republican politicians like Steve King and most of the prospective 2016 presidential field, that more children must be sent home to die this way. People should remember that.
Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

I will goddamn remember, you should too.




The Conservative Wet Dream

This will be a quick post today mostly because the subject matter so thoroughly speaks for itself. You will need to watch this video, it’s only 40 seconds, to get a glimpse of the vast wasteland that is the mind of Sarah Palin. Need I remind anyone, this was a candidate for the office of vice president of the United States. Ok, go ahead and unpack this clusterfuck, and enjoy a serving of bullshit souffle.


I don’t know if Jesus wept, but we should

Greetings Slickster fans, all four of you, it’s been a while. I’ve been away doing a little mental house cleaning and shirking my writing duties, because well, I’m lazy like that, it certainly isn’t because of any lack of material.

So, where are we going today you ask? Well, let’s dip our toes in the soothing and gentle waters of evangelical Christianity and a few of it’s practitioners in the news recently. Before we start, spoiler alert, I will mention that I unencumbered myself of all religious beliefs a number of years ago and since then have no qualms pointing out the cruelties, absurdities, and breathtaking hypocrisies paraded before me by those claiming to represent the best interests of our “eternal souls” (for fun and profit).

Today we have a three-pack of human carcinomas coming at us with a brand of Christian compassion that would make the Christ they worship do a full face palm while asking WTF!


Up first, Mr. Byran Fisher. Fisher is a long time performer on the right wing pay-to-pray circuit and it seems he has taken exception to the president’s decision to prevent genocide from being visited upon the practitioners of one iron age cult, by the practitioners of a different iron age cult. Lets see what Mr. Fisher has to say.

From The Raw Story,

 “President Obama [is] bringing the full weight of the American military into Iraq now, after months and months and months of begging from the Iraqi government,” Fischer complained. “Now he’s going in there because devil worshipers are under attack.”

“As you do unto the least of them so you do unto me.” I’m not sure he’s read that part recently.

Coming up next, Mr. Rick Wiles Christian radio grifter host. In an example of getting lemons and making lemonade, Mr. Wiles has some interesting ideas concerning the current Ebola outbreak. Lets explore the bright side, as he sees it, in that putrid cesspool of a mind.

From The Raw Story,

 A Christian radio host who enthusiastically looks for signs the world will end welcomed the Ebola virus as a cleansing force.

“This Ebola epidemic could become a global pandemic and that’s another name for plague,” said broadcaster Rick Wiles on his “Trunews” program.

“It may be the great attitude adjustment that I believe is coming,” Wiles continued. “Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography, and abortion.”

Just how liberals, in general, and the Democratic party, in particular, failed to make his list shows that he hasn’t thought this out completely, maybe that’s a later broadcast.

Finally, and just to show I’m not picking on radio hosts, here is one Mr. Victor Sadet, apparently an otherwise average Joe with “religious principles” and no fear of using them to spread the word. Lets dig into this shitpile and check those principles.

Once again from The Raw Story,

A video recorded by a gay man in Delta Township, Mich., shows one man’s violent, anti-gay rant, and reveals the kind of religiously motivated harassment many LGBT people face every day of their lives. reported that on Tuesday evening, Isaiah Tweedie and his friends were leaving a restaurant when fellow patron Victor Sadet followed them outside and launched a fusillade of taunts and verbal abuse at the group and at Tweedie in particular.

 The New Civil Rights Movement blog transcribed Sadet’s remarks, in which he said that Tweedie should be murdered for his orientation as per the Christian Bible.

“You’re a fucking faggot,” Sadet said. “God’s law — Leviticus, Leviticus — you should be put to death!”

WILX contacted Sadet, who said his “religious principles” compelled him to confront Tweedie and his friends.

That’s a nice set of principles you’ve got there asshole, I’m sure Jesus would be proud.

So ends this round up of Christian compassion and love for their fellow man. The losers presented here represent the dregs of humanity, by wrapping themselves in the cloak of religion, and claiming to minister to their fellow man. They present souls so dark that if they didn’t exist could scarcely be imagined.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.