Any way the wind blows …

Iowa Congressman Steve King has never been one who claims to be politically correct.

Not so long ago,  on TV talk shows he tested his theory that non-whites have contributed diddly to society.

The blues alone would be enough of a contribution for me, but there’s  no need go into what people of color have accomplished, created, achieved and contributed to our every day lives.

King also defended having a miniature Confederate Flag on his desk in DC. He appeared to be was pleased with citing First Amendment rights. Isn’t it amazing how important knowledge of the Constitution becomes when defending yourself for being a douche?

King Confederate flagThe list of King’s dumbassery is long. Just click here to have a look at some of it. It’s worth your time.

Here’s just a taste.

“For everyone who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”

But like most politicians, King is smart enough to wet a finger and stick it in the air from time to time to check which way the wind is blowing. He did that just recently and the wind told him that his boy, Comrade Trump, has just a 1-point lead over Hillary Clinton in a state that is normally colored Deep Red.

With that in mind and running for reelection, King spoke on the stump Thursday at the Iowa State Fair and said something very revealing. While he peppered the talk with praise for The Donald, King made a surprising remark about Hillary Clinton being someone he could work with.

We Ain’t Learning Real Quick

You know the last time some right wing asshole suggested violence to their lower functiong brethren we got this,

According to NBC, Robert Lewis Dear — who killed three people including a cop, making him a hero to these “pro-life” folks while shooting up a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood — reportedly told investigators “no more baby parts” after he was arrested.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

I must have misremembered (or lies, damned lies and more damned lies)

Evidently The Donald has never met a lie he didn’t like. Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald has provided a well-crafted essay on Trump’s penchant for dishonesty on the magazine’s web site. It’s well-worth your time.

As Don Fanucci in Godfather II might say, “Here’s a little somethingDon Fanucci to wet your beak.”

“In December 2008, just after the Democrats won the White House, Trump wrote on his personal blog, “Hillary is smart, tough and a very nice person and so is her husband.” He then added, “Bill Clinton was a great president.” The words are simple and clear. Earlier this year, in a deposition given in a lawsuit against Trump involving allegations of fraud regarding his real estate courses (called Trump University), the plaintiff’s lawyer asked Trump if he had ever called Bill Clinton a great president. Trump refused to answer directly, saying the scandal involving Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky had damaged his presidency. Finally, the lawyer showed Trump the blog post in which he had praised Bill Clinton as president and asked if Trump believed what he wrote.

“I was fine with it at the time,” Trump replied. “I think in retrospect, looking back, it was not a great presidency because of his scandals.” In other words, in 2008 Trump thought Clinton was a great president, but then because of the Lewinsky scandal—something that occurred a decade before that blog post—he changed his mind. How did he explain the obvious lie? “It’s not something I gave very much thought to then because I wasn’t in politics,” he said.”

The Donald Knows Best

The folks with elephant pooper scoopers were out in full force again Thursday cleaning up after The Donald’s latest mess.

Trump told folks at a rally in Florida Wednesday that ISIS honor President Obama as its founder and said Hillary Clinton, his opponent for the presidency, was its “co-founder.”

Not only was he wrong, but he was embarrassingly wrong and his surrogates had to go to work and scoop up another pile of, well, you know.

His good media buddy, Hugh Hewitt, a righty radio talk show host, was only too happy Thursday to try to bring Trump back to reality.

Hewitt offered Trump a way out of the comments, but The Donald Knows Best and was having nothing to do with it.

“… Hugh Hewlitt: I’ve got two more questions. Last night,hugh hewitt you said the President was the founder of ISIS. I know what you meant. You meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace.
Donald Trump: No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton.
HH: But he’s not sympathetic to them. He hates them. He’s trying to kill them.
DT: I don’t care. He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?
HH: Well, that, you know, I have a saying, Donald Trump, the pneumonic device I use is Every Liberal Really Seems So, So Sad. E is for Egypt, L is for Libya, S is for Syria, R is for Russia reset. They screwed everything up. You don’t get any argument from me. But by using the term founder, they’re hitting with you on this again. Mistake?
DT: No, it’s no mistake. Everyone’s liking it. I think they’re liking it. I give him the most valuable player award. And I give it to him, and I give it to, I gave the co-founder to Hillary. I don’t know if you heard that. …”

Nice try Hugh, but you should know by now that you can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.

The Donald Knows Best.


Annie get your gun

A guest on Tuesday’s MTP Daily show said Mike Pence is like the guy at the circus who has to follow the elephants around with a shovel and clean up after them.

He was talking, of course, about Comrade Trump’s latest trip off the reservation when he suggested Tuesday that Hillary Clinton and her judges will take away people’s guns. Nothing could be done at that point, he said. —except that may “2nd Amendment people” might take some action.

Have a listen.

The implication was that once the court is stacked with lefties, violence might take place. It was a gaffe that politicos quickly jumped on forcing Trump’s gals and guys to try to put out another fire.

The campaign quickly sprang into action.

Mike Pence grabbed his shovel and started stacking.

Then, a statement was issued.

“It’s called the power of unification – 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power. And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won’t be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

That’s not what Trump said. He wasn’t asking for people to go to the polls. He was talking about action being taken after the votes had long ago been counted. When it’s “too late” to do anything politically about it.

It turns out guns weren’t needed for the death of the Republican Party. Just one man’s words.
