Tag Archives: Ashland

The hero of Dumbass Township, or why you should vote

“I won’t get into the debate about climate change,” said Sen. Brandon Smith, a Hazard Republican. “But I’ll simply point out that I think in academia we all agree that the temperature on Mars is exactly as it is here. Nobody will dispute that. Yet there are no coal mines on Mars. Therimagee’s no factories on Mars that I’m aware of.”

This gem of word salad was produced, as noted above, by Kentucky State Sen. Brandon Smith, R-(of course)  Hazard (Moral), during discussions by state lawmakers on the EPA’s new carbon emission regulations on Kentucky. Wherein, the collective membership of the Acadamy of Sciences on both planets said, “What the fuck? When did they legalize pot in the Bluegrass State?”

Sen. Smith was not alone is his quest to publicly display complete scientific ignorance. State Rep. Kevin Sinnette D-(really?) Ashland, added the following:

“The dinosaurs died, and we don’t know why, but the world adjusted. And to say that this is what’s going to cause detriment to people, I just don’t think it’s out there.”

I present this bipartisan example of stupid not to discuss the merits of the EPA’s new carbon emission standards, or enter the debate on climate change (there is no debate, so shut up), rather my point is (I love making fun of idiots!) that politicians of this caliber (small bore), aren’t elected in a vacuum, rather they are allowed to show up and govern  due, in large part, to the apathy of the electorate on election day.