Tag Archives: league of the south

A child of the ’60s, the 1860s

It’s time for another snark filled dispatch from beyond the edge of sanity, in that realm of stupidity currently occupied by the monkey house that is the GOP.

It was my intention to have some fun at the expense of human shitstain Ted Nugent because, well, why not, there’s no shortage of material where the right wing’s favorite gun humping, draft dodger is concerned, even though Slappy accused me of going for the low hanging fruit. I couldn’t really argue because some days you just don’t want to work that hard.

Anyway, imagine my surprise when I came across someone clearly playing at a higher level of batshit crazy than even old jailbait Ted.

With thanks to The Raw Story, and Right Wing Watch, let me introduce Michael Peroutla, Maryland Republican nominee for the Anne Arundel County council, and noted bible thumping, god-bothering secessionist.

From the Raw Story,

“You need to secede and then you need to have the biblical understanding of law and government, and make the applications,” Peroutka told the League of the South in 2012. “So we need to take the biblical understand of law and government into account no matter what the outcome is with respect to the crumbling of the current regime.”

Doesn’t he seem nice?

I’ve noted in the past the kind of mischief caused by low voter turnout, and here is a perfect example folks. This bit of unreconstructed human flotsam emerged from a Republican primary that included four other candidates, I haven’t the courage to research the losers. On a further distressing note, the area of Maryland he’s seeking to represent isn’t some hick outpost in the sticks, Anne Arundel county, has more than 500,000 residents, and includes Annapolis which is the county seat.

Before I close, let’s crack the asylum door for another peek at his style of governance, and note that he’s a practicing lawyer.

Once again from Right Wing Watch:

 He recently presented his theory that the Maryland General Assembly is “no longer a valid legislative body” because it passed laws that he deems to be violations of “God’s law,” including a marriage equality bill and a stormwater tax. Last year, he said that state and local prosecutors should just ignore Roe v. Wade and prosecute women who have abortions or their providers for murder.

Peroutka’s spokesman told the Capital Gazette yesterday that the candidate “would evaluate each piece of legislation to be sure it was authorized by God in the Bible, the U.S. Constitution and the Anne Arundel County Charter” and would look into privatizing road repairs and the fire department.

There may not be all that much we can do, about the fact, that folks like this are free to walk among us. But when our fellow citizens start electing them to public office we are all one step closer to awakening one morning and finding ourselves citizens of the Christian Republic of Dumbfuckistan.

Oh, and by the way, that 2012 League of the South meeting? His closing remarks were a request for the audience to join him in singing the national anthem, wherein they rose and sang Dixie.image                         I shit you not.