Tag Archives: politics

Welcome my friends to the show that never ends

Way Cool Jr. and I were sitting at our favorite watering hole about a year ago talking about how some people have their heads so far up their asses they can’t tell the difference between the truth and FOX News.Slappy

It became more and more apparent as the days of the Obama presidency rolled by that there wasn’t a lot of love for the guy in the room.  Much of it was pure dumbassery. The same guy who called Obama a socialist one day, called him a fascist the next.

Like I said, dumbassery.

Of course that small sample of hate and prejudice has nothing on the stuff the Dip Stick masquerading as the Speaker of the House and his boys and gals come up with when they tumble out of the Klown Kar.

It doesn’t end there, of course. Dumbassery is, after all, contagious. It has spread to folks on both sides of the aisle, whether the aisle is in Congress or the Piggly Wiggly down the street.

Almost anyone has access to Photoshop or a similar program. Folks pass around photos on Facebook captioned with ridicule or the ridiculous about those who don’t think like they do, and feel mighty proud of themselves.

Way Cool and I have been talking about this Interwebs deal for a long time. We wanted a place where we can talk about the issues that affect us. All of it. From here to there. So we came up with Slickster.net.

This thing will evolve as we grow. We’ll lose the things that don’t work and hopefully improve the things that do. We don’t expect you to agree with everything we post here. In fact, we hope you’ll let us know what you think and tell your friends about us.

Look for entries from our friends Kilgore Trout, Sea Hag and Sam Damon.

Way Cool Jr. kicks things off  with a look at some dumbassery down in Kentucky.

As Donald Sutherland sang in a movie called “Hollow Point,” “They’re going to find your anus on a mountain on Mars …”