Category Archives: Way Cool Jr.


Hey there Slickster fans, both of you, enjoying the new year so far? Yeah, me too, Boko Harem are slaughtering entire towns in Nigeria, and a brand new Congress was sworn in, though most of them really should be committed.

I’ve been hanging out in the kitchen while Slappy has his new feature, on the burner, simmering away. While waiting for some of that shit soufflé to be dished out, I’ve been following the tragedy in France as it unfolded and reached resolution. I really didn’t think I’d be addressing these events because, I find it hard to bring my inner smart ass to what was visited upon the staff of Charlie Hebdo.

HOWEVER, Salman Rushdie has pointed out, nay, drug them out, Team Moral Equivalence, or in his terms, “The ‘but’ Brigade.” Led by team captain Papa Frank, current leader of the Iron Age cult of Rome, who seems to have missed the point entirely,

“If my good friend Dr. Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch,” Francis said, throwing a pretend punch his way. “It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”

  My sweet Irish ass Frank! There is a guy in Kentucky that thinks Jesus rode a goddamn Velociraptor, and he is currently building an Ark, yeah, The Ark! I reserve the right, actually the Bill of Rights grants it to me implicitly, to mock his shambling intellectually bereft beliefs, without being killed!

There are so many people who speak badly about religions or other religions, who make fun of them, who make a game out of the religions of others,” he said. “They are provocateurs. And what happens to them is what would happen to Dr. Gasparri if he says a curse word against my mother. There is a limit.”

No Frank, there is no limit, in a free society, to the scorn that can be heaped upon your belief system, or any belief system. By the way, did I read that right “…there is a limit”?  Does that limit lead to, 12 dead, in the conference room, with two AK-47s, by religious fanatics? Because that’s a hardcore game of Clue you’ve got going there, have you spoken to your boss about this, did he sign off on this? Inquiring minds…get back to us.

Getting back to Rushdie, have I mentioned he knows a thing or ten thousand about death threats, he asks what politically correct satire would look like? My first thought was, “anything that comes out of Sarah Palin’s mouth”, I may be confusing that with irony, I’m new to this word stuff. Anyway, Rushdie’s question is rhetorical, satire could not exist in Papa Frank’s world, and the fact that Sarah Palin lives in ours is something Papa Frank’s boss should have to explain, were it possible.

But, but, but…Fuck you, it’s what we do.image


Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

…As We Close Out The Year

Ok, the year is coming to a close and I haven’t posted anything in so long Slappy is checking me for a pulse. Let’s see what has happened since we  were together last.

The Senate released the Torture porn report, where we finally got a good look at just what had been done in our name to some admittedly bad actors. However, bad actors though they may have been, we, yes I said we, because the mouth-breathing uber fascists that thought this was ok were put in office by us, chose that moment to forever lay to rest the myth of our inherent exceptionalism. While the otherwise journalistically unemployable excuses for humans at Fox cried “Treason!”,  Senator Mark Udall (D- Righteous), (click this link god damn it, it’s important to see what we’ve lost)  prepares to leave office because the good citizens of Colorado choose to embrace their inner idiot at the voting booth.

What else, oh yeah, it seems that the killing unarmed black youths by police officers has become a thing, and that is causing some social discontent. Quite honestly, this is so tragic, on so many levels, I simply can’t muster the energy to address it much less be snarky on the subject. One can only hope that we as a country can find a way to embrace our commonality of purpose and humanity, rather than clinging to our differences. Time will tell, I hope.

What has the GOP been up to since we were last together? That’s right they won an election. Well that’s nice, so now they get to lead, can’t wait to watch that train wreck unfold. That’s not until January, so before we get there let’s see what our current administration has provided.


Indeed, by all means, carry on; )

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

P.S. He also oversaw the killing of Bin Laden.





Yesterday we took a look at what Iowa saw fit to send to the U.S. Senate, aka  “The worlds greatest deliberative body”, Joni “porcine emasculator” Ernst.

In today’s addition we move down south to the “land of cotton”, where we meet the ironically named Tom Cotton (R-Bible belt Ark.). Tom seems like a nice southern boy, believing in a woman’s right to choose, what a man decides. He’s also quite comfortable with the LBGT community, as long as they stay in the closet, with the door locked, and it’s on fire.

Tom has the conventional mouth breathing GOP fixation on the 2nd Amendment, more guns everywhere, all the time, and for everyone. When the inevitable occurs, there being so many guns, and someone needs to go to the hospital, Tom thinks they should have their own insurance because Obamacare is unconstitutional. Though his thoughts on the fact that the ACA passed both houses of Congress before being signed into law have yet to be recorded.

Thus far Tom has shown himself to be just another example of a bigoted, slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging member of the Tea Party. Don’t be fooled my friends because there’s more. Where Tom really shines is when he reveals his Bible thumping christopathology. Seems Tom feels quite strongly that the idea of the separation of church and state is one he’d rather not recognize. Rather he believes that all laws should be reconciled with gods law. We’ll see how that works out for us, as I’ve said recently, welcome to The Republic of Dumbfuckistan.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.


We’ve sent in the clowns


Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

Apologies to Judy Collins not simply for the bastardization of her song title, but also for the subject I’m applying it to today. Namely, one of the newly elected howler monkeys senators from the dumpster fire that is the Tea Party wing of God’s Own Party, the modern day GOP.

Here we meet noted hog botherer, Joni Ernst (R-Dumbfuckistan). That should have read Iowa, but really Iowa WTF?

Joni first attracted attention to her campaign when in an effort to explain to supporters her stand on government spending, she said, that because she had castrated hogs during her youth, she knew how to cut pork. One can only assume she choose to express herself in a language they would understand.

Anyway, Joni also opposes the debunked right wing myth of the UN’s agenda 21. She is soft on voter suppression. Feels strongly that raising the minimum wage will not improve the economy. Voted against Medicaid expansion in Iowa and she is open to privatizing social security.

There is more of course and most of it equally distressing. However, I did find one ray of sunshine and a possible explanation for that sordid pile of bullshit boiler plate GOP policy stands. Seems Joni did vote to legalize medical cannabis oil.

I’d like to think those other policy positions are the result of her being high and not handling her shit as well as she once handled hog testicles. Either way, I don’t see the public good being served by her any better than the hogs came out from their interaction.
image Don’t bother they’re here.

In the Heart of Dumbfuckistan

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

Yeah, yeah, I know old Joe Conrad might try to come at me in the hereafter over that title, but I’m betting our paths don’t cross, and anyway I’ve got more pressing concerns in the here and now. It seems that when I awoke Wednesday morning I was so far behind enemy lines it would have made Owen Wilson blush, which would be pretty cool if Gene Hackman was bringing the Marines to come rescue my happy liberal ass, but that ain’t happening. So, as it stands, it would seem that over the course of Tuesday a majority of my fellow Americans voted themselves into the Republic of Dumbfuckistan (h/t to Seahag), effectively stranding those of us that don’t watch Fox News while channeling Glenn Beck and Alex Jones through our fillings, and colonoscopy bags.

Imagine waking up in a version of Red Dawn and instead of Cubans (yeah, I’m showing my age) running loose, it’s the Republicans. Fortunately, they’ve been so giddy over their power windfall, they’ve yet to give much attention to the blues in their midst. I expect that to change, soon. Those of us that are out in the open look like someone spilled Viagra into the marinara. By next week, I expect to be going out only at night to forage for bourbon and cigarettes. I’ll be slipping this to Slappy, for editing, as soon as I get it in the toothpaste tube.

Until next time, here is a graphic of our new reality. I’m out there in that sea of red, reading David Kilcullen’s ‘The Accidental Guerrilla”.image


Ok, I’m back. Where was I, you ask? Actually, right here all along, gazing in awe at the ginormous torrent of untreated sewage spewing forth from the GOP bullshit spigot with a mixture of fear and loathing.
In recent weeks, I’ve been so overwhelmed by the sheer mass of snarkable opportunities as to be paralyzed. So, I finally stepped away from the keyboard and sat my note pad down (yes, I write this stuff out first, I’m old so STFU) and enjoyed some quality family time. It is with renewed focus that I return to the pointless noble exercise of pointing out conservative dumbassery to the masses, ok, the four or five people that read these posts.
Today we shall sample the rightwing response to the ongoing Ebola situation, or “Let’s scare the shit out of the rubes and paranoid shut-ins.” First up, the blog’s old friend and single dumbest human ever elected to congress, Rep. Louie Ghomert (R, of course, TX). What does one of the intellectual pillars of the Tea Party have to offer? From the ThinkProgress article,
“Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert (TX) accused the federal government of waging a war on women in its effort to contain the Ebola virus, claiming that the Obama administration and the Centers for Disease Control is throwing female nurses “under the bus.””
Rep. Gohmert delivered that well considered assessment while appearing on, curiously human shaped turd, Glenn Beck’s radio show.He then doubled down on Fox propaganda News the next day.
“I mean, it is a war on these poor women nurses and they are doing the best they can.”
We will leave Rep. Gohmert, and the jabbering voices in his head, and move on to, where they do the thankless job of exposing the most vile content spewed forth from the aforementioned GOP bullshit spigot. Here we find Bryan Fisher (no stranger to the blog) of the American Racist Homophobe Family Association, who had this to say of Shepard Smith, after Smith called out “the hysterical voices on the radio and the television” that are irresponsibly hyping fears of Ebola and causing panic.

“Shepard Smith is a card-carrying liberal,” Fischer explained. “He has been outed as an active homosexual, so he’s down with the entire homosexual agenda. People think he’s on Fox so he’s conservative. Anything but.”

“Why would he want to support President Obama?” Fischer asked, before playing Smith’s segment on the Ebola panic. “Because President Obama supports the homosexual agenda”

It’s always nice to see Christian love and compassion so clearly demonstrated by a member of the clergy. Over the radio. To avid like minded listeners.

Moving on, while the Fox News viewing audience either rechecks its Hazmat suit, for the eleventy hundredth time, or gets their bedpan changed at the nursing home, the rest of the country awaits cogent medical advice from the nation’s doctor, the Surgeon General. What’s that you say, there is no Surgeon General? Just how in the hell does that happen, and who is to blame? Let’s check-in with the fine folks at ThinkProgress again.

After Blocking Surgeon General Nominee, Republican Blames Obama For Surgeon General Vacancy

Oh, I see, I am sure there was some genuine flaw with the nominee that prevented his consideration for the post, right?

“Earlier this year, the NRA launched a campaign to derail Murthy’s nomination because he voiced support for expanding background checks for gun purchases. His comments that gun violence was a public health concern raised the ire of the gun lobby and conservative lawmakers despite the fact that every major medical association — and several former Surgeons General under Republican presidents — shared the same view.”
Jesus H. Christ in a petri dish, are you fucking kidding me? During one of the rare instances where having a sitting Surgeon General might actually be goddamn necessary, we don’t have one because the NRA and its GOP remoras in the senate got spooked by his feelings concerning something that kills 30K+ U.S. citizens a year?
We are well and truly screwed, I’m going to have a drink now and in two weeks I’m going to vote. You should do the same, or at least remember to vote.
Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

Love Hurts

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

Now that you’ve all recovered from the Labor Day festivities and feeling fairly human again, we here at Slickster, ok, it’s just me, are going to drop a metric fuckton of stupid on you from noted GOP bullshit spigot Sarah Palin. It seems the former half-term governor had a Labor Day message for the worker bees throughout the country. I’ll embed the video at the bottom because, even at 2:48 if one were to listen to her word salad and return here for more words from me I couldn’t write in simplistic enough fashion to account for the level of cognitive impairment you’ll be suffering from. (I watched the clip yesterday and only now am I able to use complete sentences again.)

        Anyway, Palin insists the GOP loves unions, which is clear if one assess’ the efforts of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, to support public unions, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and the love he has shown for the labor movement, and finally the 2012 Republican Party Platform. Yep, nothing says love like serial domestic abuse.

Now, remove all sharp objects, get comfortable, and watch the video, oh, good luck with the brain bleed.


Res ipsa loquitur

It’s almost Labor day weekend so it’s time to stock up on your favorite adult beverages and grill supplies. For those among you whose self-control isn’t what it could be you may want to remember the morning-after pain relievers as well. Anyway, today we are going to look at some maps, so lots of pictures (yea), and see what story they might tell.

I’ve always loved maps as they provide tons of information in a static and objective fashion. So, earlier this week, my friend Mike sent me a couple maps without comment. I found them very informative, enough so that I was compelled to visit Google, which Sam frequently reminds me is my friend, to satisfy my curiosity on a few things. After a quick trip through the Google wormhole here is what I found.

*click on the pictures for clarity*

IMG_4685state legA snapshot of the  demographics of  political control across the nation.  I know it’s kind of dry but stay with me.



IMG_4672rtoworkUp next we have a map illustrating  which states have “Right to be poor  work” laws, and one must admit it looks very similar to our first map. That prompted a couple of questions to which my friend Google quickly provided the graphic answers.

So, here we have a map of the states which saw fit to decline free federal money to help ensure the residents therein wouldn’t need to die because they lacked health care coverage.


The thinking behind this bit of political calculus was — ah — well. OK, I have no fucking idea. Maybe compassionate conservatism, as in,  we have no compassion for the victims of our policies.  You figure that one out leave a comment.

IMG_4671slaveFinally, we step back in time  and see that, curiously enough,  quite a few of the states that object to higher wages for middle income earners, and see no need to provide free federal assistance  to the most vulnerable of their citizens. Had a taste for ownership of fellow human beings.  So much so, that in defense of their inhumanity heritage over 500,000 people perished.

Taken individually these maps are merely informative. However, when one steps back and views them together, well, the matter speaks for itself.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

A look into the Abyss

      Typically, here at our little snarkfest, we hold up the GOP stupidity to the light so to receive it’s rightful ridicule. Today, however, the snarkfest is going full rageathon.
      Both, Sam Damon and I, have addressed the GOP fear mongering as it relates to the human wave attacks along our southern border, carried out by hoards of small brown children fleeing for their lives from their home countries, alone.
The GOP position and reaction on this issue was of the predictable level of batshit insane and mouth breathing stupid we’ve come to expect. Unfortunately, there was something else entirely predictable that I’ve been waiting to be reported, with no small amount of dread, and Saturday it showed up in all of it’s full tragic reality. From the L.A. Times,

“There are many youngsters who only three days after they’ve been deported are killed, shot by a firearm,” said Hector Hernandez, who runs the morgue in San Pedro Sula. “They return just to die.”

At least five, perhaps as many as 10, of the 42 children slain here since February had been recently deported from the U.S., Hernandez said.

Immigrant aid groups and human rights organizers say the Honduran government is ill-equipped to assist children at high risk after they have been returned.

     That one of our two political parties cannot distingiush a humanitarian crisis from an immigration issue, or, as is more likely, chooses not to, shows just how far down the moral abyss it has desended. In fact, assigning any morality at all to the leadership or membership of this out of control and unrepent national disgrace requires one more subatomic grain of give-a-fuck than I possess. You see, the deaths of these children and those to come isn’t some tragic unintended consequence, of bad policy, it’s a goddamn design feature. From MSNBC
This is a very bad idea.
Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who at one point was said to be writing his own immigration overhaul legislation and this week is at the Texas border visiting detention centers, has sent President Barack Obama a letter calling for an end to the 2012 executive order granting stays of deportation to children brought into the country illegally by their parents.
Reversing the president’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals order, known as DACA, would “send a clear signal to all individuals that our immigration laws will be enforced,” the California Republican and thirty-two House GOP cosigners wrote.
Remember, the deferred-action policy doesn’t actually relate to the ongoing humanitarian crisis along the Southern border – none of these unattended children who crossed the border illegally recently will be able to stay under DACA.
But Issa, who found 32 other House Republicans to sign onto his letter, believes more deportations will send a “signal” to families in countries like Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.
In other words, nearly three dozen House Republican lawmakers have a message for Dream Act kids: “Sorry, but if some Central American families have been misled by unscrupulous smuggling groups, the appropriate solution is to deport young people from the only home they’ve ever known.”
        There is only one acceptable solution to allowing the zombiefied corpse of the GOP to wander through the political landscape of our country. A fatal blow to the head delivered with the most powerful and effective weapon available, the vote.
The current demographic of scared, angry white people can see the event horizon of their inevitable decent into the minority, and that’s why they’re scared. Similarly, the Bible thumping Christain Taliban seem to sense their diminishing influence, which I see reflected in their increasingly egregious attempts to discriminate against those with whom they disagree, either despite the rule of law, or by trying to codify their bigotry into law .
The ratfucking politicians who represent the interests of those groups do not, in any recognizable way, represent the best interests of our country, and I’m tired of them being the face of a government that acts nationally and on the world stage on my behalf. Here is a reminder from Charlie Pierce as to why that is so.
It is now the stated position of most of the Republican party in this country, and of Republican politicians like Steve King and most of the prospective 2016 presidential field, that more children must be sent home to die this way. People should remember that.
Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

I will goddamn remember, you should too.