Rick Perry wants to be president, here is why that is not acceptable

Thanks to Thinkprogress, we learned yesterday that curiously human shaped turd Texas Gov. Goodhair “…will not sit idly by…” as the Central American child shock troops continue their blitzkrieg on our southern boarders. After determining that patriots, such as this,GTY_adam_kwasman_jef_140716_16x9_6081
deserve reinforcements, and taking a moment away from admiring how his new “smart” glasses set off his jaw (bone of an ass). The Gov. announced that he would be sending 1,000 National Guard troops to the border.
“I will not stand idly by,” Perry said in making the announcement. He told CNN, “The first thing you have to do is stop the flow [of migrants into the United States].” He also claimed border patrol agents would be distracted by kids crossing the border and would not be able to stop drug traffickers.
Apparently, believing that the U.S. boarder patrol agents are not capable of performing more than one task at a time, stopping drug traffickers and children, due to the especially aggressive tactics of the small brown hoards, i.e., searching out the agents to surrender to, the Gov. decided to heed the call of noted konstituional skolar, Rep. Steve King R- Iowa (Moron)
Now there is not just one problem here, but we have to start somewhere, so why not with the Supreme Court, and something known as the Supremacy Clause and, not for nothing the fact that Rep. King and a bag of hammers have so much in common.
Seems the court has already ruled on this brand of dumbassery by telling the states that, as it  concerns this immigration issue, well, that is Fed business, so keep your noses and your troops out.
While they were at it, the court invalidated state laws that sought to legislate immigration reform, I’m looking at you Arizona (S.B.1070). Therefore, Rep. King has managed to meet my already low expectations and wrong-footed himself at each opportunity. Well done good sir — truly well done.
Does anyone else have a problem with the dim star, of the lone star state’s plan? Why yes, step right up Congressman Joaquin Castro (D-Texas,) what have you for us today?
“The children fleeing violence in Central America are seeking out border patrol agents. They are not trying to evade them. Why send soldiers to confront these kids?” Castro told Politico, slamming Perry for militarizing a humanitarian situation. “Militarizing our border is the wrong response to the arrival of children.”
That’s nice congressman, but when the governer’s base supporters think this should be the response to their arrival at the border,
you’ll need to speak up to be heard over the cheering and mouth-breathing of the border loving patriots.
There is more here, but you won’t hear it from me, just follow the link. I will be drinking alone early today.





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