Tag Archives: Freedom from Religion Foundation

The Trolling of a Koch Puppet

Hey there Slickster boys and girls, yeah I’m talking to both of you. I’ve got something funny to share from the kiddie pool that is the Wisconsin governor’s office.

The governor of the once progressive state of Wisconsin is Koch brother hand puppet/college dropout Scott Walker. Now Scotty fancies himself to be a presidential caliber crook leader. He is also well aware that being in pursuit of the White House he needs to gin up some religious cred with the base from the lab of shitty ideas, the GOP.  Which is why in January, while speaking to a group of bankers, he let his god bothering flag fly.  From the Raw Story,

“[a]ny major decision I’ve made in my life, politics or otherwise, I’ve tried to discern God’s calling on.”

Ok, nothing unusual there. It’s standard fare for presidential candidates of every stripe. This is apparently quite routine for Gov. Walker, as we see here,

Governor Walker has never been shy about flashing his religious credentials, regularly telling audiences about the nondenominational evangelical church he attends, the Baptist preacher who raised him, and his belief that he only runs for office when “called” upon by God to do so.

Still fairly vanilla, but it did catch the attention of Mr. Edward Susterich, a member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and some sweet-assed trolling ensued. Seems Mr. Susterich filed a open records request with the governor’s office asking them to,

“… provide a copy/transcript of all communications with God, the Lord, Christ, Jesus or any other form of deity.”

Now kids, if you are going to troll someone that is how it’s done, oh, yes, the governors office responded,

“… [pursuant to the Public Records Law, we are responding to let you know that this office does not have records responsive to your request.”

Well played sir, very well played indeed.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.