Tag Archives: Texas GOP

Wingnutlandia and the Lost Boy

There is a situation that started as nothing more than a slow simmering pot in the wingnut conspiracy kitchen and has now taken pride of place on the, “There is no bottom to the batshit stupid buffet.” Here is a taste,

Paranoid Texans grill Army spokesman on Jade Helm 15 exercise that’s sparking fears of military takeover

I wanted to write about this since Monday when I read the article. Events transpired that prevented me from taking up my pencil and pad. That turned out to be a blessing! What started with an Army spokesperson now includes a sitting governor, U.S. senator, and the White House press secretary, each addressing this steaming pile of screaming paranoia from their own unique perspective.

We’ll hear from Gov. Abbott, of the Republic of Dumbfuckastan, aka, Texas.

Governor orders Texas Guard to stop US troops from imposing martial law during Jade Helm 15 exercise

Who knew the window licking, tinfoil hat wearing, lunatic fringe (sudden urge to listen to Red Rider) of Texas has become a constituency to be pandered too?

Anyway, just when I thought it couldn’t get any better guess who dropped in to spout some distilled stupid from his pie hole?

Yep, senator Chia Head, who had this to add,


This is a sitting U.S. senator, a member of the “Greatest Deliberative body in the world” all I can think is WTF KENTUCKY?

Moving on, the story finally created a stir that the White House press corps felt it necessary to ask after. Here’s the White House press secretary, on the topic,

“I have no idea what he’s thinking,” said Josh Earnest, White House press secretary, of the Republican Abbott’s request. “In no way will the constitutional rights or civil liberties of any American citizen be infringed upon while this exercise is being conducted.”

My intent was to wrap this up at this point, however; during the writing there was one further development and it was stunning.

Allow me to introduce the loneist and most endangered man in Texas. Sixteen-year, GOP veteran of the Texas legislature Todd Smith,

Republican former lawmaker sent a scathing attack to Gov. Greg Abbott for bowing to extremist fears of a military takeover during training exercises this summer for elite troops.

Abbott, a Republican, ordered the commander of the volunteer State Guard to monitor Jade Helm 15 military training exercises, which have sparked wild conspiracy theories about martial law, foreign invasion, or the mass detainment of conservative citizens.

“Pandering to idiots who believe that U.S. Navy SEALs and other U.S. military personnel are somehow a threat to be watched has left me livid,” Smith said in the letter.

“I am horrified that I have to choose between the possibility that my Governor actually believes this stuff and the possibility that my Governor doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to those who do,” he added. “I’m not sure which is worse.”

“This bone that you have thrown to those who believe the U.S. Military is a threat to the State of Texas is an embarrassing distance beyond the pale,” Smith said. “You are Governor of Texas! This is an open request – from a ghost of our State’s recent Republican past – that you act like it. Enough is enough.”

Here is to you good sir.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

By the way, “… an embarrassing distance beyond the pale,” is the best discription of the GOP I’ve read yet.