With Blood on Their Hands


So, ok, the leftovers didn’t even have a chance to cool before the country was introduced to its latest domestic terrorist Robert L. Dear

According to NBC, Robert Lewis Dear — who killed three people including a cop, making him a hero to these “pro-life” folks while shooting up a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood — reportedly told investigators “no more baby parts” after he was arrested.

This piece of humanlike flotsam represents a piece of GOP ratfuckery that they should be forced to own every time one of them steps in front of a camera or reporters microphone.

Not a few of the GOP candidates should find it necessary to defend themselves in civil and/or criminal court for their part in the charade that has so far left three dead and nine wounded. 

Here, in their own words, from Salon,

Carly Fiorina: I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, it’s heart beating, it’s legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.

Ted Cruz: Well, let me tell you, Dana, number one, I’m proud to stand for life. These Planned Parenthood videos are horrifying. I would encourage every American to watch the videos. See — seeing your Planned Parenthood officials callously, heartlessly bartering and selling the body parts of human beings, and then ask yourself, “are these my values?” These are horrifying. On these videos, Planned Parenthood also essentially confesses to multiple felonies. It is a felony with ten years’ jail term to sell the body parts of unborn children for profit. That’s what these videos show Planned Parenthood doing.

Huckabee: It’s time that we recognize the Supreme Court is not the supreme being, and we change the policy to be pro-life and protect children instead of rip up their body parts and sell them like they’re parts to a Buick.

Ok, that’s not a dog whistle it’s a megaphone, but the foghorn of political rhetoric most likely to end badly comes from Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida Man), here’s Jedd Legun of Think Progress.

 In August, Marco Rubio said, “what’s happening at Planned Parenthood, what’s being revealed in these videos, is atrocious, it’s grotesque, it’s barbaric.” Rubio later accused Planned Parenthood of pushing women into getting abortions “so that those tissues can be harvested and sold for a profit.” He told TMZ that people should be more “fired up” about the Planned Parenthood video.

Really, “… fired up …”?

Fuck these people.


Party of personal responsibility.

There should be barbed wire involved.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

2 thoughts on “With Blood on Their Hands”

  1. I have worked in the hospital, as a nurse, on the outside as a trauma medic, and even as a deputy asst. coroner in my home county, I have delivered 3 babies 1 on my own and 2 with help. I have been in planned parent hood as a student nurse, and worked in a health dept where we handed out condoms and birth control. Do I like abortion, not 100%, but I do feel it is up to the woman, and hopefully the father to make up their own minds. Many procedures are done because the fetus would not be viable, or have many health issues. then those same parents decide to have the child and spend the next 2-5 years spending thousands on a child that will never grow up and see kindergarten, so where is the right and wrong………….

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