The Spectacle of it all


Analysis paralysis, yeah it’s a thing, has become my nemesis by teaming up with my natural state of lazy. Seriously, I’ve been in a near constant state of slack-jawed incredulity since the GOP debate. It should have been clear that bringing together that much batshit-stupid and wingnut-crazy, outside of the GOP convention, was irresponsible but Fox went all in.


The resulting oratorical shitfest nearly caused me to feel sorry for the Fox moderators, nearly. I was afraid that had it gone on much longer, the Donald would have walked over to Rand Paul and shived him right on camera. That Cicero’s ghost didn’t call in a bomb threat disproves the existence of an afterlife.

Ok, you get it, it was a spectacle, made more surreal by Ben Carson coming across as the most well spoken candidate on stage. Yeah, this guy …

In the ensuing 2½ weeks Trump is polling higher by the week and emptying basements across the land, really, you know them when you see them, fat from momma’s cooking, clutching their Bibles, shielding their eyes from the sun’s glare with a copy of the Constitution while breathing fresh air for the first time since Shrubs administration.

CNN/ORC Poll: Donald Trump now competitive in general election


The race has turned into a rhetorical arms race of arrogant stupidity. Featuring Trump questioning the constitutionality of the 14th amendment while blessing our political lexicon with the term “anchor baby”.





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