Tag Archives: GOP

And a Koch Puppet joins the Circus



Sweet Jebus is there no bottom to the GOP bag of dicks? Yeah Carley it’s what you are, not what you have.  Anyway,  Wisconsin govenor and college dropout Scott Walker has announced his bid for the GOP nomination ( I know it’s old news, it’s summer — shit happens).

“As you can imagine, the months leading up to my announcement that I would run for President of the United States were filled with a lot of prayer and soul searching.”

“Here’s why: I needed to be certain that running was God’s calling — not just man’s calling. I am certain: This is God’s plan for me and I am humbled to be a candidate for President of the United States,” Walker said in the email.

He’s just asking for another FOIA request.

 Seems Mr. Susterich filed a open records request with the governor’s office asking them to,

“… provide a copy/transcript of all communications with God, the Lord, Christ, Jesus or any other form of deity.”

Now kids, if you are going to troll someone that is how it’s done, oh, yes, the governors office responded,

“… [pursuant to the Public Records Law, we are responding to let you know that this office does not have records responsive to your request.”

Walker is a 5 tool GOP player- God botherer ( see above ), Anti-union

The law takes effect immediately, making Wisconsin the 25th state to approve a so-called right-to-work law and marking the latest victory for Republicans targeting labor unions, following adoption of similar laws in Michigan and Indiana in 2012.

“It sends a powerful message across the country and around the world,” Walker said, adding that what he called freedom to work is one of the three or four things that people ask about when he is on trade and investment tours for Wisconsin.


Scott Walker: Women should be forced to have ultrasounds because they’re ‘a cool thing’


Asked if he would just shit-can the Iranian deal even if the rest of the world was cool with it, Walker was all: “America, fuck, yeah!” or, more accurately:

“Absolutely. If I ultimately choose to run, and if I’m honored to be elected by the people of this country, I will pull back on that on January 20, 2017, because the last thing — not just for the region but for this world — we need is a nuclear-armed Iran. It leaves not only problems for Israel, because they want to annihilate Israel, it leaves the problems in the sense that the Saudis, the Jordanians and others are gonna want to have access to their own nuclear weapons.”

Koch puppet

David Koch said at a fundraiser for the New York State Republican Party on Monday that he and his brother would support the party’s eventual nominee in the general election, but that it should be Walker, the paper reported, citing two people in attendance.

The list goes on, he’s simply a cornucopia of pustulant GOP policies and as soon as the GOP base gets their collective mouths off Trumps crotch, they’ll be on Walker like a duck on a June bug.

I’ve said it before, the GOP debates simply must be in a cage-match format.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

I think they found their pivot man

The fight for the GOP nomination is starting to yield the comedic absurdity we all expected.   

 … as companies move to distance themselves from the candidate who said that undocumented immigrants from Mexico “killers and rapists.” On Monday, NBC cut ties with Trump and on Wednesday, Macy’s announced it would stop carrying merchandise from his brand.

The only surprise is that not only is Donald Trump at the controls of the GOP flaming kamikaze, but that he’s flying it straight at the party itself,

 “The fact that Donald Trump is exposing a lot of the dirty truths of the Republican party is good in the sense that we want an honest debate,”   Artuo Carmona, Exective Director of latino advocacy group Presente Action to Think Progress.

and, of course, they can’t get out of their own way.

One group that hasn’t yet cut ties with the real estate mogul is the Republican Party. While NBC, Univision and Macy’s have publicly denounced his beliefs, members of the Republican party have remained silent or have expressed their support for his anti-immigrant sentiment. On Tuesday, 2016 candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), whose father is Cuban, defended his opponent, saying, “I like Donald Trump. I think he’s terrific, I think he’s brash, I think he speaks the truth.”

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

Marriages, Heritage, and Cattle Cars


It’s been quite the momentous couple of weeks since we were last together. Seems that the Confederate flag is out and the rainbow flag is in, which is causing the mouth-breathing, christopathic, god botherers to cry crocodile tears and to begin planning for the rapture when they’re not burning down historic black churches and sending out death threats to ministers. Good thing it’s about heritage and not hate. Anyway, congratulations to the LGBT community on gaining complete personhood in the eyes of the law, something corporations achieved five years ago.

Image result for jindal, pataki, christie, kasich
Image result for jindal, pataki, christie, kasich
Image result for jindal, pataki, christie, kasich
Image result for jindal, pataki, christie, kasich

The GOP crazy train pulled into the siding for a cattle call on the clown car. Things got hairy at the start with Chris Cristie (R-Tollbridge) running off body weight and reducing his market value while chasing Bobby Jindal (R-Failed State) around the cattle yard with visions of a noon-time snack dancing in his eyes. This allowed George Pataki (R-Who?) and John Kasich (R-No really, who?) to quietly load which came as no surprise as they have all the name recognition of a pair of street mimes in a Bogata slum. So, the roster of future losers continues to grow and remember there are more to come and none of them will be any more reassuring than the current clusters of fuck making up the insane clown posse. The debates can’t get here soon enough, I’m really hoping for a cage match format.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

A man for all … Nah, I don’t think so

Marco Rubio, come on down and play ‘Who is not going to be president’. Yep, by now I’m sure you know Sen. Rubio has decided to bless the GOP circular firing squad with his full participation in driving the clown car to political irrelevance. I was going to say “unwavering participation” but Marco is a full on wavering kind of guy. What say we take a peek inside the pantry and see what’s in stock.

OK, we’ve got some GOP flavored climate change bullshit.

According to Rubio, attempts to address climate change were pointless because scientists could not prove that any solution would be worth the damage it did to the economy.

“If we do the things they want us to do — cap and trade, you name it — how much will that change the pace of climate change versus how much will it cost our economy?” the candidate asked. “Scientists can’t tell us what impact it would have on reversing these changes. But I can tell you with certainty that it would have a devastating impact on our economy.”

So, it may or may not be a thing, and even if it is it will be too expensive to remedy? I might suggest that you rethink your cost/benefit analysis, Koch sucker, unless you’ve a planet in your pocket.

What’s next, marriage equality? Why sure, got some right here.

When Schieffer asked him about his opposition to LGBT rights, Rubio argued: “It’s not that I’m against gay marriage, I believe the definition of the institution of marriage should be between one man and one woman.”

That, my friends, is a beautiful example of attempting to square the circle.

Moving on, I see some sincerely held religious beliefs over in the corner, at least they once were.

Among the faith-deranged, Rubio stands out. He briefly dumped one magic book for another, converting from Roman Catholicism to Mormonism and then back again.

Yet even as a re-minted Catholic, Rubio cheats on the Pope with a mega-church in Miami called Christ Fellowship. As religion and politics blogger Bruce Wilson points out, Christ Fellowship is a hotbed of “demonology and exorcism, Young Earth creationism, and denial of evolution,” and is so intolerant it demands its prospective employees certify they are not “practicing homosexuals” and don’t cheat on their spouses.

He’s quite the pudding cup of Gibraltar when it comes to God bothering.

Here’s more science on the shelf, oh, it looks like evolutionary theory.

As regards evolution, Rubio confesses that he’s “not a scientist” and so cannot presume to judge the fact of evolution on its merits, and holds that creationism should be taught in schools as just one of many “multiple theories” about our origins.

What is up with the “… I’m not a scientist …” disclaimer among GOP politicians? I barely recognize any of you as sentient life forms, please stop flattering yourselves.  Enough of that, lets get back to the Rubio pantry and see what’s left.

Well, I’ll be damned, seems young Marco has a taste for that sweet Koch money, a taste shared by the other two proclaimed candidates.

Three potential Republican presidential candidates appeared before a gathering of wealthy donors organized by the conservative billionaire Koch brothers in California on Sunday night.

The summit, held at a luxury resort near Palm Springs sealed off to outsiders, drew Republican Senators Marco Rubio from Florida, Rand Paul from Kentucky and Ted Cruz from Texas.

I would have expected to find that in the closet rather than the pantry but everything is going mainstream these days.

There you have it Slicksters, it’s now a GOP menage a trios; religion, repression, and science denial. What? What did you think I meant? Ah shit, put the baby oil down and get out of here.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.











And the race is on

Oh my! The 2016 GOP clown car has a driver and is sitting in the pole position for the race to the White House. Much to the delight of smart ass liberal bloggers throughout the land, Tailgunner Ted Cruz (R-Calgary) has announced his intent to be thoroughly mocked and soundly rejected by his own party pursue the 2016 GOP nomination for president. Yeah, I know, hard to imagine a redder piece of meat for the left end of the blogosphere. It’s only going to get better as the car fills up, in the coming months, with other fluffers of the GOP psychward announcing.

My first reaction was to spew bourbon all over my monitor, my next move was to get the hand lotion and wet naps because, holy shit, this is going to be fun. I just hope he doesn’t flameout too quickly, there’s a lot of crazy-stupid burning in this man. One of the Tailgunner’s endearing qualities is that he’s never had a stupid thought cross his mind that failed to come out his mouth.

Admittedly, that’s a short trip, but even though he has President Obama’s education he is apparently driven by the politics and intellect of Sarah Palin.

True to form, Calgary Ted wasted no time spouting some breathtakingly stupid from his piehole. Here’s a taste:

Speaking to the Texas Tribune on Tuesday, Cruz said that contemporary ‘global warming alarmists are the equivalent of the flat-Earthers.

‘You know it used to be it is accepted scientific wisdom the Earth is flat, and this heretic named Galileo was branded a denier,’ he said. 

In Cruz’s opinion, when it comes to climate change, his denier position places him alongside 17th Century scientist Galileo Galilei, who was also considered to be denying the mainstream knowledge of his day. According to Cruz’s logic, he is taking the minority view that human-caused climate change is not happening, just as Galileo took the minority view that the scientific method should be trusted over the Catholic Church.


While simultaneously getting his cyber-ass handed to him on Twitter via #TedCruzCampaignSlogans.

My dad’s Cuban, I’m Canadian, Vote For Me Because Jesus.

…As We Close Out The Year

Ok, the year is coming to a close and I haven’t posted anything in so long Slappy is checking me for a pulse. Let’s see what has happened since we  were together last.

The Senate released the Torture porn report, where we finally got a good look at just what had been done in our name to some admittedly bad actors. However, bad actors though they may have been, we, yes I said we, because the mouth-breathing uber fascists that thought this was ok were put in office by us, chose that moment to forever lay to rest the myth of our inherent exceptionalism. While the otherwise journalistically unemployable excuses for humans at Fox cried “Treason!”,  Senator Mark Udall (D- Righteous), (click this link god damn it, it’s important to see what we’ve lost)  prepares to leave office because the good citizens of Colorado choose to embrace their inner idiot at the voting booth.

What else, oh yeah, it seems that the killing unarmed black youths by police officers has become a thing, and that is causing some social discontent. Quite honestly, this is so tragic, on so many levels, I simply can’t muster the energy to address it much less be snarky on the subject. One can only hope that we as a country can find a way to embrace our commonality of purpose and humanity, rather than clinging to our differences. Time will tell, I hope.

What has the GOP been up to since we were last together? That’s right they won an election. Well that’s nice, so now they get to lead, can’t wait to watch that train wreck unfold. That’s not until January, so before we get there let’s see what our current administration has provided.


Indeed, by all means, carry on; )

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

P.S. He also oversaw the killing of Bin Laden.





Yesterday we took a look at what Iowa saw fit to send to the U.S. Senate, aka  “The worlds greatest deliberative body”, Joni “porcine emasculator” Ernst.

In today’s addition we move down south to the “land of cotton”, where we meet the ironically named Tom Cotton (R-Bible belt Ark.). Tom seems like a nice southern boy, believing in a woman’s right to choose, what a man decides. He’s also quite comfortable with the LBGT community, as long as they stay in the closet, with the door locked, and it’s on fire.

Tom has the conventional mouth breathing GOP fixation on the 2nd Amendment, more guns everywhere, all the time, and for everyone. When the inevitable occurs, there being so many guns, and someone needs to go to the hospital, Tom thinks they should have their own insurance because Obamacare is unconstitutional. Though his thoughts on the fact that the ACA passed both houses of Congress before being signed into law have yet to be recorded.

Thus far Tom has shown himself to be just another example of a bigoted, slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging member of the Tea Party. Don’t be fooled my friends because there’s more. Where Tom really shines is when he reveals his Bible thumping christopathology. Seems Tom feels quite strongly that the idea of the separation of church and state is one he’d rather not recognize. Rather he believes that all laws should be reconciled with gods law. We’ll see how that works out for us, as I’ve said recently, welcome to The Republic of Dumbfuckistan.

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.


We’ve sent in the clowns


Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

Apologies to Judy Collins not simply for the bastardization of her song title, but also for the subject I’m applying it to today. Namely, one of the newly elected howler monkeys senators from the dumpster fire that is the Tea Party wing of God’s Own Party, the modern day GOP.

Here we meet noted hog botherer, Joni Ernst (R-Dumbfuckistan). That should have read Iowa, but really Iowa WTF?

Joni first attracted attention to her campaign when in an effort to explain to supporters her stand on government spending, she said, that because she had castrated hogs during her youth, she knew how to cut pork. One can only assume she choose to express herself in a language they would understand.

Anyway, Joni also opposes the debunked right wing myth of the UN’s agenda 21. She is soft on voter suppression. Feels strongly that raising the minimum wage will not improve the economy. Voted against Medicaid expansion in Iowa and she is open to privatizing social security.

There is more of course and most of it equally distressing. However, I did find one ray of sunshine and a possible explanation for that sordid pile of bullshit boiler plate GOP policy stands. Seems Joni did vote to legalize medical cannabis oil.

I’d like to think those other policy positions are the result of her being high and not handling her shit as well as she once handled hog testicles. Either way, I don’t see the public good being served by her any better than the hogs came out from their interaction.
image Don’t bother they’re here.

Love Hurts

Your snowball, good luck.
Your snowball, good luck.

Now that you’ve all recovered from the Labor Day festivities and feeling fairly human again, we here at Slickster, ok, it’s just me, are going to drop a metric fuckton of stupid on you from noted GOP bullshit spigot Sarah Palin. It seems the former half-term governor had a Labor Day message for the worker bees throughout the country. I’ll embed the video at the bottom because, even at 2:48 if one were to listen to her word salad and return here for more words from me I couldn’t write in simplistic enough fashion to account for the level of cognitive impairment you’ll be suffering from. (I watched the clip yesterday and only now am I able to use complete sentences again.)

        Anyway, Palin insists the GOP loves unions, which is clear if one assess’ the efforts of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, to support public unions, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and the love he has shown for the labor movement, and finally the 2012 Republican Party Platform. Yep, nothing says love like serial domestic abuse.

Now, remove all sharp objects, get comfortable, and watch the video, oh, good luck with the brain bleed.